Ski for Relief-Anchorage 2014:
We have the choice to ski, or not. In two hot regions of the world: Burma and South Sudan, despite some political progress, many ethnic people have no choice but to run from their oppressors. On February 1, 2014 at Noon on the Hillside trails, you had the choice of techniques- skate or classic- to ski for oppressed people in South Sudan and Burma. 2013 Video. Choose to Ski!
Details: Results (pdf) | Video
Initial Results: Boy's skate: John Cosgrave 18:08, Ivan David Isaacs 18:14, Josh Roach 18:48.
Girl's Skate: Jordyn Block 20:56, Elle Arnold 21:00, Kayla Rowe 21:01
Classic: Joshua Klina (Palmer) and Aubrey Sage (Palmer)
Teams: Middle School - Grace, High School- Grace
GREAT THANKS to Tom Ross and the Groomers!
Municipal permit #2447 (1/14/14)
Course Map | Saturday 2/1/2014 Wave starts noon | Register by 11:15a
Divisions by Waves: Male and female, Choose classic or skate,
Youth, Jr Hi, High School, Senior (19-39), Masters (40 and older)
Entry: FREE
--> Optional donation to Third-world Relief in Burma and South Sudan:
WAXING: come with glide wax on; Can apply kick wax in parking lot.
Pre-Register til 1/30/2014: email name, birthdate, school to REGISTRAR
Team Registration EXCEL
Awards after with Soup 1:30pm: Grace Christian School 12407 Pintail
Ribbons place 1-3 each division plus trophies for victors.
Donation: Supports BurmaVision and Free Burma Rangers and Sudan
RESULTS (2013): pdf | Excel | Video | Gallery | Results